Mom Caskey's (Grandma's) Family Beef Soup Recipe:

1lb Beef (I use more)
3 Carrots
Celery Stalks
2 or 3 Large Potatoes
1 Lrg Onion
2 Garlic Cloves
Salt & Pepper to taste
Italian Seasoning to taste
Tomato Sauce
Can Whole Tomatoes (1 or 2)
1 Box Beef Broth
1 cup Flour


In a large pan put oil to cover bottom.

Cut your meat into bite size squares.
Chop half your onion and chop garlic.
In a bowl add the flour and salt and pepper. Toss in meat. Mix until meat is covered well.
Brown your onion (½) and all garlic cloves till caramelized then add meat.
Dump in chopped carrots, 2 stocks chopped celery, quartered potatoes, large can whole tomatoes (break up) and small 8 oz. can tomato sauce. I caramelize my mushrooms and other 1/2 of the onion then dump in my soup pot.
Pour in beef stock (add water to come up to amount you want) Bring to boil then turn down to slow boil for 2 or 3 hours until meat is tender.
I am putting mine in my crock pot for slow all day cooking.



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