Petersen Family Lefse

Photo Coming Soon

Hardinger Lefse

1 cup butter melted and cooled
2 cups buttermilk
1 cup light Karo syrup
1 cup sugar
2 eggs slightly beaten
1 tsp baking ammonia
6 or more cups of flour

Cream sugar, Karo syrup, buttermilk and ammonia. Add 4 cups of flour, butter and the rest of the flour. Add eggs last. Knead dough and refrigerate overnight. Roll out thin and round. Bake on ungreased pan at 350 degrees, 7-10 minutes until edges are golden brown. Place each cooked sheet on board and layer between paper towels. Damp 2 tea towels and lay 1 down, then lay Lefse round on top, lay second damp towl over round. Let the towels moisten the round till it is pliable.  Remove from towels. repeat with second round. In a separate bowl add sugar and cinnamon together and mix. lay first round and spread butter over the entire surface, next sprinkle on cinnamon mixture generously.  Cover with second round and use cutting tool and make diamond shapes out of the sandwiched cookie.   

Provided By: Stacey's Aunt Gail from Great Grandma "Granny" Hilder


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