Potato Corn Beef Soup

Stacey’s Step Dad’s Corn Beef Soup~

1 ½ - 2 sticks of butter in pan
1 ½-2 Sauté onions
2 cloves Garlic (however much you like)
3-4 stalks Celery
1 – 2 box of chicken Broth
Add bag of frozen corn
1 canned corn beef
5lbs bag of potatoes
Salt and pepper to taste
Instant potatoes powder (thicken)



1. Sauté onions and celery in butter till onion is clear.

2. Add garlic 

3. Add broth to pot about 3/4s full, add water if needed
(I make my own broth and freeze it for recipes like this one)

4. Crumble up canned corn beef in to pot
5. Add bag of frozen corn.


6. Chop about 5lbs bag of potatoes (or however much will suite your pot)

7. Add thyme and oregano and salt and pepper to taste.

8. Boil till potatoes are tender
(This soup can be cooked in a slow cooker for a few hours on high for 4 hours or 6 hours on low)
 9. To thicken you can use instant potatoes powder or the traditional flour mixture shaken in a jar. But I don’t do that I just leave it thin.
10. Before serving each bowl gets a little half and half with a dab of butter.

Note: If you put the milk and butter in the pot after its done cooking it doesn’t last as long. If you freeze it I would defiantly say not to add the dairy.



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